Thursday, February 3, 2011

Notre Dame de Strasbourg

Notre Dame de Strasbourg -  Side views in sepia tone

Notre Dame de Strasbourg dominates the town
Looking upward from the Front  Center Portal

The Nave with the Organ

Astronomical Clock

Romanesque transept entrance

Interior chapel

The Temptor

Center Portal of the West Facade

Rose Window

The Cathedral dominates the skyline, with the tallest spire in France
My love for Cathedrals is rather obvious, and re-visiting Strasbourg as a tourist was really fantastic!  I took several more Gigabytes of photographs of one of my favorite Cathedrals in additon to the other attractions around Strasbourg.  See future posts...  One of the things that differentiates Notre Dame de Strasbourg is the color of the stone, it has a warm reddish tone.  If you continue to follow my adventures you will see that each church has its own "flavor" and they are all distinctive.  Many students who come to Europe complain of a 'cathedral overload' and are distressed about being 'dragged' to so many churches.  I know nothing of this malady and seek out every church-like structure I can find, especially if they are of the Gothic or medieval era.  I am a spiritual person, but it has more to do with my love of architecture, art history, and the incredible visual complexity featured in these structures.  Is anyone else afflicted with this 'cathedral malady/zeal'?


  1. The shot from the front center portal-- AWESOME!!!!!!!!

  2. Kelly,
    Your photographs are PHENOMENAL! as you probably already know. I love the second one on the page, its so hard to pick my favorite but i love that one aLOT

  3. Wonderful Kelly!! I feel like i was just there yesterday! Keep it coming!
